Video Tour of ICB Textbook

Integrating Concepts in Biology

The three authors have produced short video tours of the book for those who want to hear more about their new eBook.

Overview of Integrating Concepts in Biology as published on Trunity Platform (length = 5 minutes)

Demonstration of Chapters 1 - 15 + Chapter 0 (zero) (length = 18 minutes)

Demonstration of Chapters 16 - 30 (length = 19 minutes)

Demonstration of Bio-Math Explorations (length = 12 minutes)

Instructor and Student Resources Overview (length = 14 minutes)

Listen to a Recorded Class
You can listen to a recorded introductory biology class led by A. Malcolm Campbell. The class is starting Sections 13.1 and 13.2 (Molecular Switches) where the Big Idea of Emergent Properties are introduced. The case study students are exploring is hemoglobin and how its cooperativity leads to an unexpected behavior that is only apparent when considering the quaternary structure under different oxygen conditions. You will see the images projected in class as well as the interaction with students who answer questions and ask their own questions.