Integrating Concepts in Biology
I want to share this senior student comment (with permission) after reading the new section that my intro bio students will read soon. The section deals with human evolution and race. I think this student’s comments are insightful and could stimulate more STEM courses to embrace, rather than avoid, topics of race, sex/gender (Chapter 15.5 + ELSI) and the anthrome (Chapter 30.4 + ELSI). If we want to recruit/retain a diverse population of STEM majors, we must fill the void felt by this student, and many others.
Biology faculty member Doug Luckie has used ICB for a few years, and has collected student learning outcomes showing that changing textbooks has a significant impact. Using three different assessment instruments (Biology Concept Inventory, MCAT, card sorting), his students out performed students using a traditional textbook. His students also did better in upper level courses. You can read the full story at their peer-reviewed publication.