Integrating Concepts in Biology

Video Tour of ICB Textbook


The three authors have produced short video tours of the book for those who want to hear more about their new eBook.

Overview of Integrating Concepts in Biology as published on Trunity Platform (length = 5 minutes)

Demonstration of Chapters 1 - 15 + Chapter 0 (zero) (length = 18 minutes)

Posted By macampbell read more

Free Sample Chapters


Faculty who want to see some sample chapters can use these links. We encourage you to consider the unusual Chapter 0 because it gives you details about our vision for the book. Also, you can access the first and most widely used BioMath Exploration: 0.1 about p-values and error bars.

Chapter 0 Instructor's Guide to Integrating Concepts in Biology

Posted By macampbell read more


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